Hello everyone!
If you are not interested, you don't have to read it.
I'm making this rushed post to make sure that I'm still active.
Right now I'm really focused on a Metal Gear Solid 3 cartoon for The PlayStation at 30 Collab.
This is the first reason why I haven't posted for a few weeks and another is that I'm taking on a lot of responsibility in terms of studying and that's slowing me down too.
(Fast and rough drawing of Naked Snake)
"When you finish your animation... what's next?"
I have a few ideas in my head that I haven't fully visualized yet, but I'd like to experiment with:
"Bartlett's Journey"
(or something similar)
(An original animation about my pear-head guy who goes on a journey, he visits some places by train and a new city... nothing else I could think of right now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).
"The Incorrigible Boy"
(First character I have done in Adobe Animate and as an introduction to this program, been already 2-3 years.)
A small monster-like creature who crushes and destroys everything on his way... yep... I also haven't fully imagined, but that should be enough for the context.
I know that all images are so big, my bad.
Thank you for reading
this kind of format!
No seriously, I really appreciate it if you've gone this far!